Friday, February 21, 2014

blog # 3

The hip hop culture has come to constitute a major force  in contemporary American pop culture market.  The simultaneously  proliferating underground  international network  is loosely  connected to the hip hop communities. African American music and dance have always been bought and sold as a supply and demand in the market place.
In the 1980's  global expansion with in the hip hop culture was a wide spread brush fire that was constantly moving from one country to the next.  Dancing accumulated  in the streets of the South Bronx. Often the best breaker  would oppose gangs as a battle of wits instead of brawn; they would battle over turf and self respect.
 Break dancing in theory was considered as dangerous; it had a reputation of pushing  yourself to your limits beating the opposition. African Bambaataa saw break dancing as more than a dance; he saw it as a way to achieve something. Break dancing symbolized the potential of break dancing as an encouragement  to keep gangs occupied  on dancing than finding other ways to challenge themselves as masculine without violence.

Now at this time men dominated when it came to break dancing. Women in break dancing is a whole other objectivity. Women in break dancing  are often  seen as outsiders in most dance crews. The crews are mainly dominated  by men. The gender equalities of men and woman in break dancing world gave a lack of promotion between  female only battles. There has been a generalization that woman  had begun  to play a bigger role in the break dancing scene. In recent  years  more and more  women are addressing  the fact that women should be given the influence and perception that they can be good. As a women on the dance floor they should be inspired to put themselves in the leadership role in the world  of men when break dancing.

To analyze b girl Jess  from Spain; her style of break dancing is very masculine. Jess is proving to herself that women can do as much as a man can do in the hip hop world and Jess challenges  the racial barriers  of her form. I found it surprising the way males felt threaten when she surprises them that not only  she's female but she can handle anything put before her. I my self can relate as a female that   Jess is   a leader on her own right. I found it difficult to shine in the kitchen when men dominate themselves as chefs.  We as women need to find our selves looking at the top in stead in looking at the bottom a barrel trying to find our own happiness and our own success with out being intimidated by men.


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